Great Coates Rail Crossing Tragedy 9th April 2013
It was early in the evening of 9th April and a vehicle using a rail crossing had collided with a train. The location of the major incident was Great Coates Crossing, Grimsby, and tragically, two people lost their lives.
With the weather dry but bitterly cold it soon became clear that the emergency services, crime scene investigators and Network Rail staff would be there for most, if not all, of the night ahead. The plan was to operate with minimal impact to local residents and to achieve this they would need support.
Local members of the PBCC Rapid Relief Team could see the need and acted quickly. In less than an hour they had opened one of their nearby Gospel Halls and set up a base for the emergency services and Network Rail. Hot and Cold refreshments were distributed and the conveniences opened for all those at the scene.
The gratitude and appreciation of the RRT’s work from all those involved was clear to see and well expressed in the comments of Terry Nicholson, Chief Superintendent and Area Commander for the British Transport Police:
“I am writing to extend my appreciation to you for the invaluable support that you, your Rapid Response Team and members of the church provided to my offices following the unfortunate incident at Great Coates on the evening of 9th April.
The opening of your premises to my officers meant that they were able to undertake their duties with minimal impact to the other residents in the area. Your continual offer of food and refreshments was also very much appreciated.
Once again, thank you for your generous support, and I wish you all well for the future”
At 03.20am it was decided that due the decreasing personnel on site the refreshments were no longer needed but the PBCC members weren’t just about to disappear off home. With the crossing still closed and travel disrupted for many commuters the RRT were on to their next task – temporary transport. With teams of drivers and vehicles in place, commuters were taken to their homes and workplaces, in a heart warming act of generous support for the local community members.
Below is a letter of thanks from the British Transport Police
I assume you wouldn’t feed a gay fireman though, as all gays are viewed as evil by yourselves and not allowed to be members of your church.
We find these frivolous comments a waste of time.
As many would testify the RRT’s support of the excellent work our fire department does is without discrimination.
I have witnessed the PBCC RRT’s feeding many “types” of people. So where did you see this?
To be honest there isn’t time to go around asking each fireman whether they are ‘gay’ or not, anyway that is not what we are all about, we preach to everybody whether they are ‘gay’ or not.
We do not discriminate we would treat everyone the same and anyway its ageint the law to discriminate againt age, gender, race
first i’ve heard of it?
i think you’ve heard a few porkies
Tragic occasion with the light of Christianity shining at the scene. I reckon the emergency services must have really appreciated the support they were offered. These PBCC members seem really selfless whatever the situation or time of night.What a charitable service! Keep up the good work!
The best thing about the RRTs is that every job is different – they seem to turn their hand to whatever needs doing, and keep churning out the sutenance at the same time. What a wonderful system – I can’t think of anything else quite like it!
Those stranded commuters must have really appreciated the impromptu transport!!
Very good! This is Christianity in practice – goods works to all men. Good on Inspector Nicholson for his thanks – too many of us these days accept basic human help and pass on without expressing appreciation.