Leicester Pie Day – A member shares the experience

‘The 12th July, a bright sunny Saturday in Leicestershire, saw numerous devoted PBCC members from the local congregation busy preparing their latest charitable Public Outreach Day event.  These events are eagerly anticipated by the community as a great opportunity to further distribute Bibles and gospel literature, along with a tasty BBQ lunch, to anyone who chooses to come along – completely FOC!

Plymouth Brethren Pie Day

For several days before the event, PBCC members young and old had been distributing leaflets in the neighbouring areas, and had put up banners outside the meeting hall and signposts on roads and roundabouts leading up to it,  not wanting anyone to miss the opportunity.  We even had one signpost right opposite the drive held by a couple of our enthusiastic 10-year old members!

Plymouth Brethren Pie Day

We were soon to be rewarded for our efforts!  On the day, we were delighted to welcome a substantial number of interested persons from the surrounding neighbourhoods.  It was lovely to see such a diverse cross-section of society happily mingling in this caring environment – from elderly persons in their seventies right down to little three year olds and every age group in-between, not to mention a number of valued community members that were physically disabled or from other faiths.

Plymouth Brethren Pie Day

 Once they had been welcomed, guests enjoyed the opportunity to collect a Bible & Gospel literature pack, savour the delicious food, and talk in the sunshine.  Their perspectives on the event seemed to be totally positive too:  regarding the food, one guest mentioned that it was nicely presented, several noted the ‘very helpful people’, the ‘lovely surroundings’ and the way they felt ‘loved’ and ‘looked after and cared for’.  It wasn’t just the meal that was appreciated either – one thoughtful guest commented that the most important thing for him was the chance for ‘discussion of Christian ideas’ with ‘like-minded people’.  Another guest remarked on the distribution of Bible & Gospel packs that ‘it’s a great idea…’ – and went on to explain that in their faith they keep theirs in their prayer room.  Another beautiful example of how these packs are being valued, was an elderly attendee who wanted to gift the Bible & Gospel literature pack to her grand-daughter – what a good foundation to lay in her life!

Plymouth Brethren Pie Day

As you can see, all who attended were genuinely grateful and appreciative of the event and one hopeful visitor said, “See you next year”!  So if you missed this event, keep your eyes peeled for the next – we look forward to meeting you there!  There’s not much left in this world that comes completely free… even less delivered with care, compassion and respect.

Plymouth Brethren Pie Day

25 thoughts on “Leicester Pie Day – A member shares the experience”

  1. finding nemo says:

    well done ! excellent 🙂 *****************

  2. TOGA says:

    Please do it again sometime.

  3. :0 says:

    well done to everyone 🙂

  4. AEL says:

    To Umyeah

    PIE = Public Interest Event. Actually you’re more likely to get burgers than pies.

    1. ChickPea says:

      Good – pies don’t exist in USA – burgers are the national diet!! 🙂

  5. BHCalcutta says:

    Good on you my dear Chaps – and nice big images to help me identify you all next time!

  6. Jack says:

    true Christians! keep up the good work!!

  7. umyeah says:

    one day it would be really great if you lot clarified what on earth a ‘pie’ day was.

    1. Granny says:

      A pie day is described right above!

    2. PIE REPLY says:


    3. Homebased says:

      Next time, try reading the account carefully before blogging with questions.
      See above: “charitable Public Outreach Day event”,
      : “distribute Bibles and gospel literature, along with a tasty BBQ lunch, to anyone who chooses to come along – completely FOC!”
      Isn’t that so great???

    4. anony-mouse says:

      It stands for Public Information Event – our chance to let the local community find out about us

    5. Ella says:

      Spose they serve up free pies?
      How kind!!

    6. Roger says:

      Hello umyeah
      PIE day stands for Public Information Event day I believe.

    7. HazelNut says:

      Public Interest Event is abbreviated to PIE.

    8. ;-) says:

      Dunno – try Public Integration Event!

    9. bob says:

      ‘pie’ stands for Public Interest Event

    10. K says:

      a pie day is when we show what christains really are!! we give out free food and free tracts and bibles. this shows gods heart to man.

      hope this makes sense.

    11. highten says:

      ‘Next time, try reading the [post] carefully before’ replying to it. he/she/it was asking what ‘pie’ stood for not what the description of one of the pie days consisted of…

    12. Not_homebased... says:

      Well that’s debatable Highten…they didn’t actually ask what it stood for… They asked what it ‘Was’… So “Next time, try reading the [post] carefully before’ replying to it” 😛

    13. highten says:

      fairenough, but the inverted commas actually were either side of the ‘pie’ and the word day was not included – this clearly indicated that the main subject of the question was the ‘pie’ and not the ‘pie day’.
      same back to you again about reading it…:)

    14. John2 says:

      However, the highlighted ‘pie’ clearly suggests this – lets use common sense!
      Very grateful myself for the clarification actually, thank you!

  8. ATS says:

    completely free, I can’t believe it, they used to say there is not such thing as a free lunch, I guess they proved them wrong again.
    there now is such a thing as a free lunch…and a free bible.

    1. ChickPea says:

      Double freebie – excellent!

  9. Dude! says:

    What is the actual number of people who came to this event?

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