Horrific Helicopter Accident – London 16/01/13

At 8.00am a helicopter crashed into a construction works crane at the side of the St Georges Tower, 200m high.

Tragically the helicopter fell to the road and burst into flames, killing the pilot and a motorist.

The police closed off a large catchment area fearing that the crane could collapse in any direction.

Police Block at Plymouth Brethren Response Site in London


The RRT set up were the Police had  made their HQ, an ideal location because the London Fire Brigade, Ambulance workers, Health and Safety officials, Gas Board, Air Accident Investigation Bureau personnel, crane specialists, RAF personnel, council workers and construction workers all held meetings here.

As the day went on the temperature was around freezing point outside and the police and emergency workers who were working outside for hours on end were very cold, and were very appreciative of the refreshments provided. There was a constant stream of cold and tired workers to be revived and refreshed.

The incident commanders requested the RRT to a organize night shift. On exploring the very wide cordoned area, many Police Officers that had no refreshments were looked after. Sainsbury’s kindly donated food to help keep our stand going through the night and into the next day.


One of the Police command units kept running out of generator fuel, so the RRT filled up for them.

Plymouth Brethren RRT fueling Up at London Helicopter Accident


The RRT was extremely impressed by the dedication and hard work of the emergency services and were very thankful of being able to join in the work to provide the much needed refreshment and sustenance that was so gratefully accepted.



9 thoughts on “Horrific Helicopter Accident – London 16/01/13”

  1. Fred Blogs says:

    Great work guys

  2. Aussie says:

    I heard about this terrible accident. I’m glad we(the PBCC) could get in and help once again.

  3. Zet says:

    What a great idea to have a rapid responce team – I wish there was one in every place – so nice to have someone there to offer support and a nice cup of tea!

    1. justin m says:

      zet is right

  4. RT says:

    Excellent work RRT!

    I’m sure this kind of support would be an immense morale booster for emergency crews in these situations. They deserve every support they can get as they work to save lives and protect property.

    Keep it up!

  5. Granny says:

    What a dreadful thing to happen to an experienced helicopter pilot on a foggy morning. (I believe only a few days before, some were unable to travel by helicopter because of fog). So glad the RRT were able to assist in such an organized way. My husband and I will continue to pray for them all wherever they operate, along with all the other emergency services – we never know when we may need them!!

  6. Julie says:

    AWESOME!!!! keep up the gr8 work……. the world needs more people like you!……

  7. Pamela says:

    Great work RRT! Amazing the stuff you guys do 🙂

  8. ACD says:

    Well done and thanks. We need our emergency services kept strong. Appreciate those whose sense of community is underpinned by such strong moral values.

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