Care for the elderly
Care of the aged and infirm is inherent in the Christian ethos. Hospitals, hospices and government health care are some of the benefits of a Christian country.
As do many families wherever possible Plymouth Brethren prefer to keep elderly people in their own homes as this helps maintain independence and dignity whilst saving public money – the Government seem to like this!
To give an example, Kathleen is a Plymouth Brethren widow who lives alone. At one time she had an extremely active life – driving her car, shopping, entertaining and attending church. Arthritis and advancing age were making it difficult for her to manage in her own home. A team of community members stepped in to help clear up the house, tidy the garden, do her shopping, and arrange meals and carers to come twice a day. Her car is now a wheelchair-accessible vehicle and members of the local Plymouth Brethren take her out every day to her friends’ houses and to church. The result? A very interesting and focused old lady who continues to live a satisfied life in her own home.
Nursing homes are sometimes needed particularly for specialist nursing care or dementia cases. Any patients in nursing homes are visited regularly, and indirectly this often brightens up the lives of other residents. Some Plymouth Brethren young folk visit nursing homes and provide musical entertainment which always goes down well.
Children show interest and respect for elderly people. Young and old mix together happily both in houses and at church.
Recently the question was asked: is there more you can do? The answer: “Yes, we could never do enough!”
We heard at one time that there might be brethren run nursing homes? Does anyone know if this is ever likely to happen?
i am so immpressed brothers . i have intrested to live the like u ,
when my mother got to the age of needing care i wish that our family had the resource that u guys have so that we could have kept her at home.she had no mind troubles and it was only the fact that she could no longer live unaidedthat we hd to put her in to a care home. we where very sad to do so . i think that u r a fine group of people if u r commited to giving up your own time to help the elderly in your wonderful community
I know from working with the Nursing Home Industry that people find it very hard to leave their own home to go into care. It also applies to the families that put them in there – they feel bad. I know however (coming from the Christian Brethren) that for us, putting someone into a Nursing/Care Home would be a last resort as we have a lot of resources in our community to help the elderly and even as a child I remember helping to care for them.
If however they do go into a home then the staff often comment on the number of visitors they get and how often they are taken out. They are not neglected at all, younger members will often take up their Saturdays to see older ones.
The love and care expended in our community should not go unnoticed as it is so marked.
Good to see a family/caring spirit being maintained and fostered in todays increasingly selfish world. Thank you